DirPrint - directory contents printing utility for Windows 3.1. Author: Peter Rodwell Version: 1.35, 02/1994 This is an interim update of DirPrint version 1.10, adding printing to a file or to the clipboard as alternatives to printing to the printer. INSTALLATION Just copy the file to any convenient directory and set up Program Manager to display its icon, etc. If you have been using the previous version of DirPrint, you may want to delete the configuration file DIRPRINT.GGG in your Windows directory. This version creates a configuration file called DIRPRINT.CNF instead and ignores the old version's config file. FIRST-TIME USE The first time you run DirPrint, it will use certain default settings for the format used to display the date and time and to format numbers. It saves these details, together with its position on the screen when you exit the program. You can change these settings using the Config menu item on the File menu. This displays the config screen - just click on the settings you require. This screen also allows you to select the output destination for printing: to the printer, a file or to the Windows clipboard. This choice is also saved in the config file, along with the name of the directory last selected for viewing/printing. STARTING DirPrint Your can start DirPrint in three ways: By double-clicking on its icon, in the normal way. In this case, DirPrint will display a panel showing the contents of the currently-selected directory (its own if this is the first time you have used it, or the directory which was selected when you last used it). By using the File Run command in Program Manager: a) By typing DirPrint's name (and path if necessary) without any parameters, in which case DirPrint will start up as though you'd double-clicked its icon. b) By typing DirPrint's name (and path if necessary) plus the path of the subdirectory you wish to print and optionally a file specifier for the files to be listed (e.g., "C:\DOS\*.EXE" - if no specifier is given, DirPrint automatically adds "*.*" to list all files). In this mode, DirPrint will start up as an icon and will immediately begin to print; when it finishes printing, it automatically terminates. OPERATION Clicking the "Dir" button opens a dialogue which allows you to move to another disk or dir. Double-clicking on a drive or dir name will immediately change disk/dir and re-display the main listing. This dialogue also allows you to change the file spec by editing the current spec shown in the edit box under the listing. Clicking on file names in the main directory listing "selects" them, a running count being displayed of the number of files selected and their total size. The "Select All" button selects all entries, while the "Deselect" button removes all selections. When one or more files are selected, the "Disks" button is enabled. Clicking this displays a dialogue which shows the total number of diskettes required to store the selected files on different diskette types. PRINTING Clicking on the "Print" button starts printing. If files have been selected, you are offered the option of printing a listing of just the selected files or of all files. If either no files are selected or all are selected, printing starts immediately. If you are printing to the printer, a small printing dialogue box allows printing to be canceled. If you are printing to a file, a dialogue box appears requesting the name of the output file - enter a full file path name if you do not want the file to be created in the currently-selected directory. The resulting file is in plain ASCII text which can be read into and printed from any word processor. If you select output to the clipboard (see "FIRST-TIME USE", above), you can recall DirPrint's output simply by switching to any Windows word processor and selecting Edit, Paste. This will not work with a DOS word processor, even when it is running in a DOS box. PRINTER PROBLEMS Some users have reported problems printing to HP LaserJet 4 printers in 600 dpi mode. As far as I can tell, this appears to be a driver problem and there are similar problems with other Windows applications. Apparently it works fine if you select 300 dpi mode (although this rather negates the reason for buying the printer). It seems that HP is still shipping an old version of the driver; a new version is available from Microsoft and HP and can also be found on CompuServe. There are also problems printing to some dot matrix printers, but I have not yet been able to investigate these. And to think Windows is supposed to free programs from printer dependence... NOTES DirPrint can in theory handle directories with up to 4000 entries. Not having that many files in a single directory, I haven't tested it to that limit (which is an arbitrary limit to simplify things; in any case, I think that anyone who has more than 4000 files in a single directory should seriously consider reorganizing his/her hard disk!). The program creates a small configuration file, called DirPrint.CNF in the Windows subdir. It is highly unlikely that a file with this name already exists, but if this is the case, it should be removed before DirPrint is run for the first time. DirPrint will over-write any file with that name when it terminates. I "bolted together" this program from other stuff already written and I have tested it quite thoroughly without finding any problems. It runs fine on my system (a 33 Mhz Dell 486) with Windows 3.1 in standard VGA mode; I have not been able to try it with any other screen resolutions or with Windows 3.0. Printing works fine with my LaserJet IIIP with and without PostScript but that's the only printer I have, so it's the only one used for testing. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions for improvements, please let me know via CompuServe on 100023,2476. The next update will feature the ability to print a whole directory tree -- I was hoping to have this done by now but pressure of work forces me to delay it for the time being, hence this interim update. Finally, my thanks to Brian Livingston of "InfoWorld" for kindly commenting on DirPrint, making a number of useful suggestions and for designing the program's icon, infinitely better than my effort. See his book "More Windows 3.1 Secrets" for a whole bunch of useful programs plus masses of Windows info. The program is in the public domain, so feel free to do with it as you wish. Enjoy! Peter. APPENDIX: LATEST POSTSCRIPT DRIVER FOR HP (AND OTHER) POSTCRIPT PRINTERS 1. Check the date of your printer driver. Select printers in the control panel, select your HP printer, then select Setup and About, to see the version number. The latest driver is version 3.58; if your driver is earlier, continue with the following. 2. Find the HP printer driver in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. It will be called either HPWINPS.DRV or PSCRIPT.DRV (the former is distributed with HP printers, the latter comes with Windows, but apart from the name they are identical). 3. Make a backup copy of the driver in another directory or on a diskette. 4. On CompuServe, GO MSL and download the file PSCRIP.EXE into a temporary sub-directory (NOT the one containing the backup copy of the driver). 5. From DOS, run PSCRIP. This is a compressed, self-extracting file. The result of running it will be a file called PSCRIPT.DRV, the latest driver. 6. Copy this to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. If your earlier driver was called HPWINPS.DRV, rename the new file as you copy it. 7. Re-start Windows and re-select your printer in the Control Panel to ensure that the new driver is operative. For DirPrint, ensure you select it as the default printer.